Tuesday, June 27, 2006

As I write, a thunderstorm is rolling accross the land. It shook the house pretty good a little bit ago. Enough for poor Chelsea to retreat to the bedroom and hide her little head. The cats show very little interest. I think they were even mildly annoyed when we shut the deck door. At least we had good weather most of they day and we even were able to sit out on the deck for a while before dinner. It was really very lovely.

Leslie called tonight. What a pleasant surprise. She is home ALL alone tonight. Nora is at a friend's home, Bill is in California (his mother is very ill) and last week (sit down for this), Sara flew to Florida to join a friend. His name is Vincent Spader and they met online. He did spend 10 days with the Smiths and Leslie and Bill do like him. But, wow, that is still quite a leap of faith on their and Sara's part. Prayers are needed again.

We found out that the covenants at Tall Grass Condos only allow for one pet in a unit. That pretty well rules them out unless an exception can be filed as we will not give up the critters. We take our responsibilities to them pretty seriously and we love them. We will just have to keep looking. No hurry, fortunately.

We stayed home all day. I got some more sewing done and worked more on my desk.

We ate Michelle's Mexican Lasagna again (still EXCELLENT) accompanied by a fresh leaf lettuce salad prepared with lettuce from Mom's garden. Num Num. Soon we will have fresh produce all over. Some of my plants already have a few buds on them. I will have to drive past Wingert's to see how the sweet corn is doing. It is usually late July when we start getting the local stuff.

I figured out how to post a picture from a picture source on my computer. I just don't know how to merge it with the text yet. SO you have two postings tonight. These rambling paragraphs and a picture of the storm that we had on Father's day.



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