Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It was rather gloomy today. There is thunder tonight. Chelsea is valiantly trying to ignore it. She seems to be trying to do that lately. Instead of immediately hiding under the bed, she tries to look away and pretend it doesn't exist.

Jim went down last night to watch Michelle play her first volleyball games of the season. Her team won two out of three and she scored lots of points.

Dick and I went plant shopping this morning. Now, if it doesn't rain tomorrow, I can get some of them in the pots. For sure, I will get Dick to help me hang the pots that we bought for the pole in front. We got three beautiful New Guinea Impatients. Red - Dick's favorite color.

Mom and I went to church this evening to watch the students of St. Mary School put on their annual Spring Sing. This was a program called Of Mice and Mozart. They do a really wonderful job. They sing well, speak well and are required to memorize their lines. I believe that all of the students are involved in the production. They all said that they really liked learning about Mozart and his music along with learning their lines and getting to perform. Jeff came to help Mom in the garden yesterday and went to the Senior Meals with her for lunch. Mom always likes it if one of us comes. Of course, it makes her have to admit that her kids are seniors which doesn't exactly thrill her. Jeff knew quite a few of the people who come to the meals so I know that he enjoyed it. He brought me two nice tomato plants. Perhaps his will be better producers for me. I never have had much luck with tomatoes.

I got the following from a friend of mine through an e-mail. Did I tell you that a letter that I wrote to the Press regarding this got published?

1. If you migrate to this county, you must speak the native language.
2. You have to be a professional or an investor. No unskilled workers allowed.
3. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special
ballots for elections, all government business will be conducted in our
4. Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here.
5. Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office.
6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs.
7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount equal to 40,000
times the daily minimum wage.
8. If foreigners do come and want to buy land that will be okay, BUT options will
be restricted. You are not allowed waterfront property. That is reserved for
citizens naturally born into this country.
9. Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations, no waving a foreign flag, no
political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his policies, if you do you
will be sent home.
10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be hunted down and sent straight
to jail.

Harsh, you say? The above laws happen to be the immigration laws of Mexico!

Tomorrow we go grocery shopping. Have a good one yourself.


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