Thursday, May 25, 2006

It rained off and on all day today. Just a gentle rain with no wind and the temperature was up in the low 70s. However, I could not plant. Hopefully, tomorrow we can at least get the plants hung on the pole in the front.

I ended up grocery shopping by myself today because Dick did not feel to well after we had breakfast. I went to the Pig in Falls. We had not been there in ages, but the Pick n Save does not carry the napkins that we like any longer so we decided to check out the competition. I ran into lots of friends and really had a quite a good time. When I got home, Dick was sleeping and he felt much better by the time he woke

I sent the following to most of you, but for those who didn't receive it enjoy the following:

How to solve the U. S. problems in a nut shell.

Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border.
Take the dirt from the moat and use it raise the levees in New Orleans.
Put those man eating Florida alligators in the moat.
Now. . . , any other problems you want me to solve?

I invited Mother over for dinner on Sunday. We are planning to fry out. I will do brats, hamburgers and a couple of the brat patties that I made. It is supposed to be very warm, so we may be able to sit out on the deck. I must try to get the plants in tomorrow, so it looks neat.

Have a great Friday. Dick and I get to shop.



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