Monday, April 17, 2006

Went to Bible Study this morning. It is comforting to have a group of people who pray and study with one. When we have a need, we know that people are praying with and for us.

After we were done, I stopped at Mother's to visit with her and Jeff and Kathy who were there to help get her gardens ready for planting and the trash hauled off to the dump. It was a good day for them to be with her anyway. We are all rather numb about our Courtney. I ended up staying for lunch and Aunt Kathleen called while we were eating and came to stay for a while. I left at about 2:00 and came home.

I had a message from George when I got in so I returned that call right away. Betsy and George want Courtney buried here in St. Mary Cemetery, close to her Grandpa. Our Dad, her grandpa and Courtney did have a special bond. When she was a little girl and did not live close, they wrote letters to each other and had a wonderful communication. They would like to have the buriel on Saturday, if all goes well in Texas. I was able to get the information and will call George and Betsy tomorrow for their decision. I do want to stop at the cemetery to get a visual before I call him and confirm Mother's ideas. Maybe I can convince Dick to go out to breakfast with me tomorrow and we can take a swing by there.

Aside from that I sewed today. I made some progress on the Hand of God wall hanging that I am designing. That was a relaxing project and I also watched Walk the Line. I recommend that movie just for the music. I liked it a lot.

A friend is someone who knows
the song in your heart
and can sing it back to you
when you have forgotten
the words.

-- Unknown


The sun will come up tomorrow and we will all be OK. We will remember the words for each other.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry to read about the loss of your niece. How devastating for your family. I´ll be keeping you close in my thoughts through this difficult week.
love, brenda