Monday, April 24, 2006

I forgot to post yesterday. Guess was so tired, and I just forgot. Last week was SO exhausting.

Yesterday was busy busy busy. I stopped at Mother's before the Volunteer Dinner at church an was able to say goodbye to Nora, Leif and Stenn and to George and Betsy. A bittersweet parting. Mother was really tired. She decided not to go to church for the dinner as she was not up to all the people who would have been trying to comfort her and talk about it. I am really glad she did not go. It was hard enough on me.

George and Betsy had gone out to the cemetery Sunday Morning and were so comforted to see that the hole was all filled in and smooth and whoever had done it had carefully arranged the yellow roses on top of the grave. I talked to one of the guys that works out there and was able to thank him for the care. He actually got teary. The crew out there is so caring and helpful.

Today, I took the money that we, as a family, had collected over to the Humane Society. They will etch Courtney's name and a statement about her on the glass of a door in the "cat house". It will be ready by Thursday when they have an open house and Randy and I will go an take pictures. George wants pictures of the building, the yards, the animals and Courtney's dedication. We will get them all.

The Volunteer Dinner was a great success. We had 150 to 170 in attendance. The meal and companionship were pleasant. And the cleanup was a snap. It is nice to cater to volunteers - While we were washing the silverware, they were policing the hall and had it done before we knew it. I was home by 8:00PM. Good thing. I was, as I said, exhausted.

Today, Bible Study, the trip to the Humane Society and Rhine Board Meeting.

Tomorrow, will be quiet. Darn good thing. It will be nice to cave up. I mentioned that I had made chili on Friday. The guys had it Sunday and Dick and I ate it tonight. Boy is it good. I had enough venison, so I just used it and chorizo for the meat.

Jim went to have supper with Michelle tonight. She was quite sick on Sunday but was feeling better and in need of company. That way he can see that she DOES eat and is OK.

"You'll never get to be a saint if you deny the bit of devil in you." from the Cadfael Book of Days.

Have a great Tuesday.



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