Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The only place that I had to go today was to pick up the Market Day order. Oh and Chelsea and I DID take a walk this morning. It was a good day for a walk. Clear and bright and we were able to go at the best time of day to avoid traffic. I heard a cardinal and a mourning dove today. I have been hearing the cardinal off and on for a week or two. But this is the first mourning dove that I have heard for a couple of months. Do they migrate south in the winter? I never thought about it.

I roasted some veggies for supper tonight. Cauliflower, red onions and red pepper marinated in oil and vinegar. Sure tasted good with chicken and cole slaw. Tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, I will be fasting and eating NO meat. Good thing Dick and Jim don't mind fish or vegetable meals, because in Lent they get them once or twice a week. Tomorrow, fish.

Dick and I bottled 25 bottles of White Zinfindal today. Good thing, the ready to drink wines in our cellar are dwindling fast. It is ready to drink too, which will help. Tomorrow, we will rack the 2 year currant again. I need to get some of the scratch wines bottled so I can finish using the fruit that I froze in Autumn. But as they say, no wine before its time.

Til tomorrow.


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