Monday, January 23, 2006

Guess what! I went to the Post Office and they HAD TWO CENT Stamps. This was my fourth stop. No wonder the Post Office is failing as a business. If they cannot keep supplies in their stores, how can they succeed. But I finally have them for myself, Mother and Rhine Plymough. WHEW!

A small crew, 5 of us, from the church environment committee spent a couple of hours in the loft behind the altar, sorting all the decorations into season and holy day. We are very pleased with the result and have made plans for future consolidation. We also took down more Christmas and put up a couple of Ordinary Time green banners. Next Monday, the pointsettas will be beyond keeping and we will take them away and put up some simple trees and spotlights that will keep us until Lent.

We had to get up at 5:30AM because we took the Elantra in for servicing. Now both cars are set for several thousand miles.

I know I told you about the DVD that Randy made with pictures of Mom from the time she was a teenager until NOW with all of us and with the grandchildren. I had Jim make a copy and he is going to produce two so I can send them to Bret and Bart. It was so neat to see all of us and our children at different ages. An pictures of Mom and Dad as they grew older and you can see all their love. Then, the pictures of her as a teenager. We see her stamp on her granddaughters, especially Britt and Jessica for some reason (and they don't look at all alike.) Wow. Now we have more pictures to add to the mix.

There was one picture that I submitted that I have always especially liked. It is in California in Uncle Nowl and Aunt Lois's backyard. Mother and I are standing with Grandpa Bowser's three sisters, Aunt Gee, Aunt Jo and Aunt Lenore. They were interesting ladies. Aunt Gee for example, married a man from the Town Mitchell area. I can't remember his name right now, I will ask Mother and record it in the geneology file. Anyway, one day Aunt Gee came over to Grandma and Grandpa Bowser's house and told Grandpa that her husband had become very frightening and was sleeping with a rifle next to the bed. Grandpa went over to the house with her and got her things. She moved to California - I am assuming that there were friends there and eventually remarried the Uncle that I knew, Andy Kramer. They lived to a ripe old age. When I saw her last I believe that she was 90 years old. They had one son. I don't know what happened to him. As I recall, he lived somewhere in Northern California. Aunt Gee was a lovely loving woman.

Tomorrow, I will tell you a story about Aunt Lenore.


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