Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Chelsea was really goofy this morning. She woke me up at about 5 minutes after five. I took her out and tried to go back to bed, but she started jumping on me about 10 minutes later, so I gave up and took my shower.

I was home all day except for a trip to Dr. Casey the chiropractor, and picking up som amended tax returns. I did some writing, some quilting (I almost have the baby quilt top assembled.) and just general catching up.

I did call Mother and found out that the name of Aunt Gee's first husband was Willie Lindsay. The Lindsay family and the Bowser family were close friends. Willie was mean to Aunt Gee. Grandpa helped her get on the train and go to California. Another brother, my great uncle Matt and his wife were living out there at the time. Uncle Matt managed a grocery store. So she stayed with them for a while. Mother thinks that Willie did go out there and try to talk her into coming back, but she was not stupid. Ahead of her time, she must have known that once and abuser, always an abuser.

The Lindsays were always rather distant to the Bowsers after that as one can well imagine. Willie lived with his sister in Cascade and never married.

That is enough for tonight, I'll tell you something about Aunt Lenore tomorrow.


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