Saturday, September 03, 2005

Weather was great again today. The first sign of rain is on Tuesday and that is a slight one.

The first Badger football game was on today and it was great. They won 56 to 42. The first quarter was a bit shaky but then they settled down, pulled ahead and never looked back. I was quite fascinated in watching. College games show SO much of the coach's preference. The Badgers play a running game while the Bowling Green team was much more into passing. In this case the running game was the winner. This is Barry Alvarez last year as coach. He will be sorely missed. His replacement is already chosen and doing (I believe) the defensive coaching. So everybody is watching him.

Dick and I finished all the trimming of bushes that we are going to do this year. Jim hauled 11 bags and three bundles of trimmings and sticks to the disposal site. He was impressed.

He informed us that he is the hot news at the library right now. He has lost 60 pounds in the past few months. He also got contacts. He is really looking good and should be very proud of himself.

The choir sang at the 5:00PM Mass this evening. We sang Circle of Love which is rather difficult. However, we needed the practice as we are singing it at Celtic Mass. We did OK tonight and I am sure that Thursday's practice will firm it up. It was also a celebration of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Roland and Veronica Gilles, Veronica went to Ireland on my second trip. Their daughter, plays flute and she played the communion song and did some accompanying for the choir too. It was very lovely.

Tomorrow is the party at Donna and Randy's house. It is a kind of surprise birthday acknowledgement for my brother Jeff, and my brothers in law , Fred and Ken who are all turning 60 in the next couple of months.

The news says that they have most of the survivors out of New Orleans - finally. Not soon enough. There should have been massive inflow of help on the very first day and it should not have stopped till every person was on dry land. Well shoulda, woulda, coulda. We need to get past that and get on to providing aid and comfort to these survivors and as soon as everybody is fed, we need to get the kids in schools. ASAP. It sounds to me as if the majority of these little people are those who can least afford to miss any school.

Next, I am already worrying about the animals. The pets who were left behind and are now, with no means or knowledge of how to do so, expected to fend for themselves. I will check on that in the next few days.

There is a quote, I don't know who by that says.

"Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can.
It will be enough."

We must all do that - the important thing is that we do something, each and every one.



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