Friday, August 05, 2005

Packers are having a scrimage with the Buffalo Bills tonight. The first football activity of the season and from what Dick says, it is going to be a LONG season. I was at Rhine helping tend bar and not able to follow it while I was there. Sunday, Bobbie and I will work the County Shoot at Rhine. Harold Diedrich says he will want me to be a runner. We are providing steak sandwiches for the crowds so I will bring some home for supper that night.

While at Bible Study on Monday, we were commenting on the fact that Tom Keyes is such a brave soul to be the only man, usually, in this mainly women't study. Someone commented that they would not want to be the only woman in a men's group. It made me realize and comment that I was and have been the only woman in several groups - the Parish Council and Rhine Plymouth Field and Stream are two that come to mind. Usually, Bobbie or Sara Behr are at Rhine. Someone at Bible Study commented that it is easy to be the only woman in a group of men and feel secure if you are carrying a gun. However, I was the only woman on Council for two years. We decided that it is the mutual interest that makes for comfort and I also believe the integrity and caliber of the people one is associating with.

I am working on a list poem for Writer's Club on Monday. Jane Kocmud and myself took a class at UW Sheboygan and this was a form that was presented to us. A lot of it is form and the way it appears on the page. I have been "worrying" the terms Comfort Food and Comfort People and this is the only thing that has come of it so far, though more is muddy in my mind and eventually will appear with something OK, I hope. However, here is my "list poem". Let me know what you think.

Comfort Food

Fresh bread baking in the oven.
Grilled cheese dripping in butter.
Prepared – smashed and cooked
On a griddle that is black with burned grease and cheese.
Rhubarb, fresh from the backyard
Eaten raw, dipped in a cup of sugar.
Fresh apple pie (hot OR cold) big juicy slabs.
Prepared with LOTS of onion,
(Because that's how Dad liked it.)
Chocolate Éclairs with homemade custard filling
A dozen.
One for everyone - one extra to fight over.
Corn on the cob, slathered with butter and salted.
Contest! Who can eat the most.
Creamed Egg on Toast for supper during Lent
Poured liberally over Mom's homemade white bread toasted and slathered with Oleo.
Talk about creamed.
How about creamed kohlrabi, creamed cabbage, creamed green beans?
How come we didn't die from all the fat?
Friday Chili in an age of meatless Fridays
Horror of horrors, Mom softened the onions with bacon grease.
Meat on Friday?
Will we all go to hell?



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