Saturday, June 18, 2005

Everybody should go to the Fireside in Ft. Atkinson for dinner and the theater. We went today and saw Beauty and the Beast. What a nice feel good production. There were lots of children in the audience which is so refreshing for this type of production. At one point, when the Beast sent Beauty to find her father, one little voice said plaintively. "Where is she going?" It was so sweet.

The meal was excellent as usual. We had a seafood croquette for an appetizer with coleslaw, followed by chicken and ribs with a stuffed baked potato. Then a strawberry mousse on a lemon cookie for dessert. Of course this is accompanied by their fresh baked breads. I bought two loaves, cheese and dill, to bring home.

Now I am tired.

Tomorrow is a bit quieter. However, the bell choir is playing at the 10:30 Mass and Jim, Bobbie and I are going shooting in the afternoon. So it won't be dull. I decided to make life easy and bring out some Cornish pasties that I have in the freezer for supper to make my life easy.

I called my Bret last night just to hear his voice and ask if he had felt any of the earthquakes. He sounds much better than he did the last time I spoke to him. He was heading out to the river to renew himself over the weekend. By the way he did not feel the quake. He said that his friend Tony did but that Bret, himself was working near railroad tracks and all kinds of other stuff and did not feel it. He says he is probably kind of used to them any way and it takes a real roller like the one that knocked him out of bed a few years ago to get his attention.

Have a nice evening.


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