Sunday, April 17, 2005

A nice warm Sunday. The temps were up close to 60 and the sun was shining. There was no wind and it was beautiful. This afternoon, after shooting, I trimmed one of the bushes in the front yard and let Chelsea come out with me.

As I stepped into the junipers to get the back of the bush I was working on (I forget the name of it)lo and behold, a lady duck came crashing out of the foliage and took off. I remembered seeing her about three weeks ago in the front yard. At that time, I thought she was just resting on her way somewhere else. I know there is a pair of them down the street that seem to like swimming in the drainage ditch. I kind of peeked under the bushes but did not see a nest. I did not want to do too much digging around. It would be disruptive and upsetting to the Mama if that is her nursery.

Later, Dick took Jim and I out for supper tonight and when we came back the duck was back in the front yard so I am inclined to think that there is a nest in there somewhere.

We sang at the 10:30AM Mass this morning. It is the Feast of the Good Shepherd. Fr. Gene told us that sheep know their master by the sound of their voice, not smell, not clothing. That in the middle east, many flocks feed together in the good pasture land. When it is time to go, all the sheep follow the sound of their master's voice. Isn't that fascinating?

Rosemary Eigenberger gave me two old pictures last week. One is of a bowling team from Fitz's, now The Other Place, a bar downtown in Sheboygan Falls. This picture has both my Uncle Jack and my Uncle George on it and a bunch of other people I remember from my youth, most of them gone now.

The second was a picture of the Happy Hollow Heads. This was a men's club that played cards, Mom thinks Sheepshead, years ago. The picture has lots of people. Mother is identifying most of them and thinks that Bea Visser, one of her few remaining contemporaries, will be able to help with the rest. I DID fine Uncle Jack, and Uncle George again AND my Grandpa Bowser. They are all singing.

Have a wonderful week.



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