Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Dick and I went grocery shopping this morning and then stopped at Superior Liquor so I could pick up the wine and beer for the big Volunteer party at Blessed Trinity on Sunday.

This afternoon I got the napkins and went to see Dr. Casey, my chiropractor, this afternoon. Then this evening, Rocky Knoll gave a dinner for the volunteers that helped during the past year. I drove four of the ladies from Blessed Trinity that go out about six times a year to play bingo with the residents. I really enjoy that hour and don't feel that they would HAVE to give a dinner. BUT they do put on quite a spread and have entertainment and door prizes for everybody so it is a really FUN night.

This year the Sheboygan Falls Middle School Jazz Band played for us. We were wowed and awed by them. It is so good to see such a beautiful group of young people playing such good music with such talent and finesse.

I won a bird house. If it is nice tomorrow - it is supposed to rain tonight - I will hang that bird house and the gourd bird house and put out my garden stone.

We have a Pope. Ratzinger from Germany was elected at about noon our time today. He is another John Paul II, if not more conservative, so we are probably due for more restrictions. We ladies tonight were joking that we will probably have to go back to veils in church again. God must know what he is doing, but I am confused. He has chosen Benedict XVI as his name.

Albert Einstein said "I cannot believe that God plays dice with the universe."

And a Danish proverb says: "Bad is never good until worse happens."

Til tomorrow


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