Monday, March 21, 2005

Today is REALLY the first day of spring. The redwinged blackbird, who for the last three or four years, has appeared early in spring, even before the first robin, sang to Chelsea and me this morning when we took our walk.

I have a couple of quotes that I would like to share with you today. One relates to spring and the other to war.

First the war. Dick and I watched Cold Mountain today and the quote referring to the impending Civil War has just as much meaning today. War and man's attitude towards it never changes. Here is the quote. "I imagine God is weary of being called down on both sides of an argument." We always have "wars to end wars". But nothing much ever changes.

The second is a great quote from the Brother Cadfael Book of Days assembled by Robin Whiteman from Ellis Peters books. "SPRING A time for all manner of births and beginnings, and for putting death out of mind."

Dick saw Dr. Aymond - the eye specialist- today. He said that the implants are doing well but there is some sign of "wrinkling. He had his staff take pictures and will recommend treatment if it is warrented. He did say that the implants are doing well, I am glad that we do "maintenance". It is good to catch possible problems early. It would be nice if our eyes and ears and teeth outlive us.

Happy Spring


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