Friday, March 25, 2005

I spent quite a bit of time at church again. Good Friday, you know! The choir sang and I think we sounded good. We sang a Mozart piece called Ave Verum and When I Survey the Wonderous Cross, both very beautiful pieces. The congregation liked singing The Old Rugged Cross too.

Then this evening I helped the crew decorate for Easter. Lots of white and green and gold and the statue of the Risen Christ has replaced the Crucifix on the back altar. The Easter Lilies sure freshen up the church.

I finished dying my eggs today. I ended up boiling the last in grape juice and they are a very pale lavender. I will make deviled eggs to go with the Easter turkey. The guys REALLY like them.

We had salmon croquettes for supper. Frankly, it is no burden at all to have meatless Fridays. The hardest part of the whole thing for me is no snacking. I often have a very light breakfast and then fruit in mid morning. I had to JUST have three meals - nothing in between.

I read this quote - a punch line - from Jimmy Kimmel in Time Magazine. He said "We haven't been able to find out who shot Tupac or Biggie and we haven't been able to find Osama. So far, the only two criminals we've been able to catch are Martha Stewart and Chong."

Be happy!


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