Saturday, February 26, 2005

Saturday, and a productive day. I got my Eucharistic Minister "chores" done. I have the volunteers for holy week and have contacted the new people. Yea. There is always something.

What am I? I walked into church, took a swing by to see if they needed any communion ministers and got waylayed by dear Deacon Jens and Maynard Turany. The lector didn't show up. I don't know who was scheduled. It doesn't really matter. I told them that I have not lectored before, and they said what does that matter. So ---- I lectored. I only made three mistakes and they were not any that the congregation would notice (except for Mary Bainbridge - "tongue in cheek" who said that she watched every move.) So it was OK. I spent all those years talking to people and groups of people at work. Talking in front of people really does not bother me much. Especially since it is God's word that I am reading.

Hunting tomorrow. I found out that Shane, my brother Jeff's son, is here from Florida with his girlfriend, Roxie, for a high school sports event. Roxie is so excited - she is a southern girl and has never REALLY been in snow. She wants to go for walks and make snowballs. Roxie seems like a person who blooms where she is planted. I like that in a person.



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