Monday, January 03, 2005

A kind of busy easy going day today. The temperatures were in the mid 20s but it was still and therefore did not feel too cold. However, Chelsea really asked to go out more than I thought was necessary and I was wishing for spring by evening.

Tonight Bobbie and I went to the Rhine Plymouth meeting. It was rather uneventful and actually the first time I had been out to the club since late November when the pistol league ended. A new league starts this Friday. I have to go to a parish council party that evening, so will have to start either on Sunday or the following Friday. I definitly want to participate again, as I am getting better and want to continue to improve.

This is the month that Dick has decided that I should pay the bills so if he is ever unable, I will know what to do. It is a very good idea, but a real pain. I like him to do it. He really has things set up very nicely and even gave me an instruction sheet.

And remember a quote from Winnie the Pooh

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.



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