Thursday, January 06, 2005

Hello again. The snows came. We got at least 4 inches overnight and Chelsea is happy. You can tell she is getting older though. When she was young, she would hop and run through the snow like Pepe Le Pew. Now she tries to find less deep snow patches to run in so she doesn't get so tired. But she still loves it.

Schools were cancelled and also choir practice tonight. However, we did have our parish council meeting. I think it was productive. Underlying currents of dissention are still eddying and probably always will. I just hope we can get past them as a church family. There was a lot of enthusiasm about a lot of the items brought up, such as the school, future clustering with St. John Kohler and the condition and future repairs on the buildings and grounds. Fr. Gene said he would work with me to establish a mission group for Fr. Mike Shea and his AIDS kids. I got an e-mail from Fr. Mike. He and his associate went to the affected area and offered to take any AIDS orphans that need to be cared for.

I promised a picture of my Spiderweb wall hanging. I FINISHED today and took the picture which really turned out well. So (drum roll.) HERE IT IS.




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