Thursday, September 16, 2004

I finished the quilt that is going in the Sheboygan County Quilt Guild Show. I put the label and the sleeve this afternoon at about 4:00PM. Boy, talk about getting down to the wire. Tomorrow is the set up day.

I took the quilt and the Crane wall hanging, with me to choir practice so Mother could see them. I would like to take her but we decided that there would be too much walking and she would get too tired.

After this weekend, things will settle down a bit and then we will be going on a vacation. Sunday, we are releasing the pheasants. I will be able to go over on Sunday for a couple of hours to help round them up and remove the blinders. I can stay until 8:30AM then will have to get home, shower and get to church at 9:45 to warm up for the Mass. Then delicious - NOTHING else.

Have a good Friday.


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