Saturday, July 03, 2004

Aunt Kathleen's 80th birthday party was just wonderful. There were SO many people there. And we are all related. I saw cousins that I had not seen since they were just little and cousin's children that I had just heard about.

I saw my godson, Jim Ayers, who lives in Texas, and his wife and three children. I told him a story. Daddy and I were his baptism sponsers. After the ceremony, Aunt Kathleen and Uncle Leo had a party to celebrate the event at their home. This was quite a party. The Ayers had 6 children, including Jimmy. There were nine of us.

Randy, my youngest brother, was about three years old and a spoiled little person was he. He is 16 years younger than I am. Of course, everybody was raving over this beautiful baby Jimmy, the star of the party. Apparantly, Randy finally had enough of that. He was used to being the center of attention. He walked over to the bassinet, looked Jim over carefully and stalked off with the following statement. "He doesn't have any teeth."

Hope your day was as good as mine.



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