Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Another sunny beautiful day. It WAS supposed to rain. Perverse as weather is, it did not. We delayed sealing the deck because of the projection. I am just as glad to have had a day off. Wielding a paintbrush is not my idea of a great time. We will hit it again tomorrow and with any luck at all will get it finished.

I remember an incident that happened years ago when Bret was trying out for Little League. They used to get the coaches together and all the kids would show their skills at hitting, fielding, throwing etc and the coaches would try to build a core team.

At one point a swarm of boys, including Bret, were gathered in the left field area just kind of milling around while another group of boys were being pitched to in order to show their batting ability. One of the batters really caught one and it flew up and into the swarm of boys - who scattered. Except for Bret. He stood firm and caught the ball. That is Bret. He sees a need and fills it.

The Huntington Beach Little League had a food trailer in one corner of the field. All parents were required to work it at some point of the season. We all ate there too. With two boys, we ate there as much as three meals a week. The menu was simple but inventive. We would heat chili in a crock pot. We heated hot dogs in a microwave. You could jazz up your hot dog with shredded cheese or the chili or both. We had tortilla chips. You could have them plain. Or you could jazz up them with a scoop of chili and/or with melted shredded cheese. Aren't you impressed? We also had candy bars and popcorn.

"See! How I have loved you. I have carved you on the palm of my hand." One of my favorite passages from the Old Testiment.

Hope your tomorrow is great. Enjoy and remember to treat yourself like the special person that you are.


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