Saturday, September 12, 2020


 My air conditioner has stopped working.     Thank God it is "Only" 89 degrees out there, not 110 degrees.

I called American Shield and they will have someone here on Monday.   I have turned on all the ceiling fans and will open the windows when the temps get down to 80 degrees.   It is supposed to get into the mid 60s overnight so I will close everything up again when the temps start to rise again tomorrow.   And PRAY  - because I will have to do it all over again tomorrow.

A good day.   I made a potato salad with one potato and celery, onion, pickle and mayo.  Boy is it good.   I am having some tonight with a burger.   Haven't had American Potato Salad for a while.   Usually, at fry outs, we have German Potato Salad, because Barb and Marleis make to SO good.    I really prefer American potato salad, but we always had German too because Grandma Bowser made it.   When she was gone, they asked me to make it so we would have both.    I didn't mind and as I said, don't dislike it.   It IS good.  I am really looking forward to dinner tonight.

Just got home from Mass.   A nice Mass.   It still seems odd to see so few people there, but I am not about to stay home out of fear.    We wear masks and are socially distanced so I figure it is OK.

Tomorrow I get to stay home ALL day.   Vita will be SO happy.

Dia Dhuit

I love you all.   When this pandemic is all over, I am going to collect hugs.

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