Thursday, July 30, 2020

Writers Club Tonight

It was hot and muggy during the day, then there was a nice storm tonight WHILE we were at Writer's Club.

It was dry enough that Dan and Han could mow the lawn anyway.     With the rain, it probably would have been too high and that is hard for Dan.    Looks nice and really green now.    I have to try to get grass in the back yard.  It is pitiful.

Did some writing and sewing today and a bit of cleaning.    Then'

At 6:30PM  Writers Club.    There were only three of us there, Marti and Karlos and me.    We all read.   I love what they do.   They seem to like what I do.   We always try to give suggestions and for sure tell them if there is some thing that doesn't seem to mesh    We are all pretty good, though.   If I do say so myself.

Bart stopped by for a bit this afternoon.    I always enjoy that and so does Vita.    She was a pest today, wanting lots of walks and it was too hot.

Take care of you.

Dia Dhuit


Hot, heavy, humid
The summer is oppressive
Draining energy

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