Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Hi on Wednesday

Was a busy day.      I decided to buy my birthday cards for the next two months.    Would you believe, I bought TEN.    It was fun picking them out, then being sure I got one for everybody and not one for some and two for some.    I am getting older, you know.

This afternoon, I worked on and completed a project that those, who wish to be ministers in the church need to fill out.   I thought it would take about an hour.     Ended up spending two and a half hours on it.    Whew.

So I am relaxing with my glass of wine and thought I would send a message to all of you.
Stay well, stay safe and I love you.

Hope it gets through, my blogger is acting weird and I don't know if yesterday's went through.   Guess what I will be doing tomorrow if I can't see that it is OK today.

Dia Dhuit

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