Thursday, May 21, 2020

It was a very nice birthday.     I was able to go to Mass at church this noon and actually receive Holy Communion which I have been missing DO much.   This mass  was set aside for the parishioners that are over 60 years old.     There were 25 or more people there which I thought was pretty good.    I am planning on going again on Saturday evening.

After Mass I stopped at Taco Bell and bought a taco.    I was just hungry for a California style taco and it really tasted good to me.     I got lots of birthday emails, cards and some calls for the day.    Can't do anything much with the pandemic and all but I am very pleased and happy.     After this is all over - Bart, Barb and I are going out to a special dinner to celebrate the occasions we missed during all of this   I want it to be on me.   Anybody else want to come?

Got a bit of cleaning done today also.    Kerry is going to start cleaning again next Tuesday.    It just takes me too long to get things done and I don't get everything.   Things are settling a bit and I know Kerry wouldn't come if she had any symptoms.

Don't exactly know what I did with the above paragraph, but it does make the blog look interesting, don't you think?

Love you all - Stay well.    Thanks for all the birthday wishes.    I feel loved.

Dia Dhuit


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