Friday, April 21, 2017

We kept getting threats of storms and hail off and on all day, but nothing materialized. 

I was home most of the day.   Had an appointment with Dr. Toy at 3:30PM.   He is keeping my back and neck together.   I hope that after I see Dr. Aiku on Monday, we will be able to come up with a joint program to help alleviate the pain in my joints.   I have only been off the statins for two day and already I can feel SOME relief in my muscles.    Dr. Toy says that it takes a full month for all the drug to be out of one's system.  Then he has some suggestions which are natural.

I mixed up and baked some bran muffins for dinner tonight.   Bart came over and had split pea soup and muffins for supper with me.   Barb was going out for dinner with friends.    We were both tired, so called it an evening early.

They are going to a garden shop to morrow and will pick me up so I can buy my plants too.   Yea.  I hate doing that alone.

Dia Dhuit


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