Monday, April 17, 2017

Woke up to cloudy skies and off and on rain. 

We were spared the hail and severe storms that were predicted.  I am so glad since my car had to be left out in the driveway last night.

Today, the garage door person, Brent, arrived at about 11:30AM.  He had an accident on the way here so I admire his determination to take care of his clients (especially me).

He did a great job as far as I can see.  He has me working again with some safety features that I did not have before.  As Dick used to say.  He was so grateful for these people who know how to FIX things.

Saw Dr. Toy, my chiropractor, this afternoon.  We are going to work on things to help relive the pain that I am experiencing.   I am so glad that he understands and he feels that I can bring his suggestions to my GP on Monday when I see her.  So he must  have worked with her before.

I seem to be caught up on everything that was ignored while I was gone so am feeling quite free.   I need to write something for tomorrow night's Writer's Club meeting.   I have a rough draft but don't know if I can get it done in time.  So a poem might make the meeting:)

Dia Dhuit


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