Saturday, April 01, 2017

April Fools Day to you all.    I just got lazy the last two nights.   Nothing exciting happened anyway.

We are having storms again today but nothing with the intensity of those the other day.    Lots of thunder and quite a bit or rain.

Yesterday, the Tree people came and trimmed my Lacebark Elms and the other needed trimming and stump removal that my back yard needed.   Now I just need to fill in a couple of holes with soil and then maintain.   It looks to neat back there.

There is a BIG white cat hanging around my house along with the big yellow one.   They like to hide under the front porch and drive Nicky crazy.   

Talked to Tim Doherty, they guy who bought my condo in Tall Grass, today.   He still loves it and I probably will get to see him when I am home.   Less than a week now.   I can hardly wait.  I am gathering up the things I need to take with me.   

Dia Dhuit


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