Thursday, March 09, 2017

The trip to Wichita Falls was postponed until tomorrow.

So I spent the day doing my wash, working on my finances and on the two quilts that I am assembling.

Kept busy just fine.   It was up to 80 degrees today.   This will not keep up but the low 70s do not bother me in the least and we just may get some much needed rain in the next couple of days.

Dia Dhuit


A verse from a poem by Czeslaw Milosz regarding Old Age"

I would prefer to be able to say:   "I am satiated.
What is given in this life, I have tasted."
But I am like someone in a window who draws aside a curtain
To look at a feast he does not comprehend.

When I draw the curtain, years from now:), I don't want to see an untasted feast!!!!!!

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