Tuesday, July 26, 2016

I thought yesterday was rough.

The good news.   I called Bret tonight and he had just gotten back from his room from the procedure - the same basic procedure that he had 13 years ago - and the doctors say that there (again) is no damage to the heart.     Those veins of his - Tsk Tsk.    But every 13 years, it is hard to know what to do to prevent it.  Anyway, he sounded good and will call when he is safe at home.

The bad news.   I picked Bart up for his appointment with Dr. Davies.

Bart was very disoriented.   I managed to get him ready and in the car, to the office.   We managed to get him into the office.  Dr. Davies said at that point that he was sure we should get him in to the hospital.     Bart insisted that he was hungry so I drove to get him food.   When I got back, he took one bite and went into a sleep that we couldn't rouse him from.     Barb came and we took him to the emergency ward here in Lawton.    After several hours and lots of tests, they have determined that he is in renal failure because of the abrupt ceasing of the lithium.     The hours spent waiting for the tests were very hard as he was not able to communicate and was spasming which is a side effect of the lithium withdrawal also.     Shortly after 7PM he was sent by helicopter to Oklahoma City for dialysis.    Please, Please keep praying.   We were told to get a good nights rest as tomorrow he will need us more.

I can't do more tonight.

Dia Dhuit


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