Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Warmer and muggy.   It is not HOT, but in the 70s and quite humid.

I am finally feeling better.   Sure wonder where this dry hot air is that will make my arthritic joints feel healed?

I called the post office today and informed them that I WILL be reading the 1916 Irish Rising Proclamation on their steps on Monday 4/15 at noon.   They said I can but I cannot advertise.  So I am making the few people that I know aware of it and hope that noon at the Post office is busy.   I had to promise not to bring the rebels with me:)

I had to switch from the Center for Creative Living.  They backed out on me feeling that they were putting too much into an event that might be better attended if I had a group organized.   THIS WAS A WAY I WAS HOPING TO GET A GROUP STARTED!!!   They are still willing to let me start a Celtic group in their facility so I am not angry, just disappointed that we couldn't start off with the bang I had hoped.

Tomorrow I hope to meet my future Bible Study companions.

Dia DHuit


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