Saturday, April 16, 2016

A whole day at home.  I think I am on the mend, though I am still weak as a dog.   Excuse me, Nicky.   Actually,  what kind of expression is that?   It isn't an expression.  The saying is "sick as a dog".   which doesn't make any sense either.

My house cleaner came late this morning so my house is clean again.   Not that it was THAT dirty, but I was really not picking up like I usually do, frankly.

I am plugging away at assembling one of the quilt tops I have ready to go.   A little every day makes me feel like less of a slug.    I am getting excited about the new wallhanging of St. David.   I may have to go to a fabric store to find the fabrics I need.   Oh darn:)

Tomorrow is Sunday and Mass.  I should be able to go and really participate.   I want to pick up my books for the new bible study that starts in two weeks.

We had a nice little thunder storm roll though a little bit ago.   I guess this is the order of the next couple of days.   They predict showers through Tuesday.  Nick will find me somewhat of a wet blanket as far as walks if this is so.

Until tomorrow

Dia Dhuit


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