Tuesday, April 07, 2015

And I thought yesterday was busy.   Today was just as packed.

First, I had my annual physical with Dr. Murthy this morning.   All is well, except for my pain which we continue to work on.  He did suggest that perhaps I should try massage therapy again, so I have a call in to Heather who has done that for me before.

Then I came home.  Bonnie was cleaning when I got here.   Nicky was fine with her as long as I was gone, and not so nasty after I came back.

At 1PM, I drove into Sheboygan to Mark Miller, my friend and accountant, to pick up my taxes.    I am OK this year have to pay a bit in one, but have enough back from the other that it makes up for it, pays Mark and gives me a bit to play with.   

On the way, I picked up a bottle of Madiera for Mother and took it over to Meadow View.   Had a short visit with her and then finished getting some things settled with the office.

Then home, via voting at Plymouth City Hall and stopping at the Post Office to check for Tall Grass mail.

Got home at about 3PM exhausted and have finished lots of paperwork and contacted several people for appointments.

Now, I just need to walk the Nicky and then go to bed.   I am sipping on a nice Irish Coffee (decaf of course).   Tastes pretty good.

Dia dhuit


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