Saturday, April 18, 2015

A bit cooler today but bearable.   Got kind of cold when I took Nicky for his long walk and we started around the park.   The wind was blowing right at me and it got pretty cold.
As we walked through the parking lot at the park, I saw a group of guys clustered under the overhang at the ball diamond.   Suddenly this big Golden Labrador Retriever bounded at us.   The guys did not look concerned or call the dog,  so I figured she was friendly, but she pushed Nicky onto his butt.   He was not concerned and just started smelling her and visiting.   So we were OK.   At that point.

I knew a couple of the guys, one was a cousin, Warren Wieser.    So I talked to them a bit and then headed home.   The other dog, happy as can be followed me.  I called out to let them know but they said that she would come back as she had done so all day.   HOWEVER,  we were all the way down the street and she was still happily traveling with us.   My neighbor, Marilyn, came out and asked if I was pet sitting.   We were both cracking up when I told her what had happened.   The dog is named Tootsie Roll and is a friendly as can be.  So while Marilyn and I were talking, Tootsie went into the bushes and came out with a DEAD THING.    Marilyn and I tried to get her to drop it but no way.  So, Marilyn led her back towards the entrance to the ball diamonds and called me to tell me that the owner was just coming out to look for her when they got there.   He managed to get her to drop the dead thing.   She was really quite proud of herself.

So that was the excitement for the day.

I have been gathering things for next weekend.   I have a lot to take along.  Fortunately, I will not bring all of it back with me.

Mass at 4PM.   A nice mass.  Mary Calvey was out cantor and is always a good music leader.

Tomorrow will go to Memories with Bobbie and Bill for a dinner theater afternoon.   This time it is Always a Bridesmaid.   They are always good shows and it is such a joy to spend the day with Bobbie and Bill.  

Received pictures of our Marcus today.   He is such a handsome fellow.   Wish I could plant a kiss on those cheeks.   He is growing up so fast.

So until tomorrow  Dia Dhuit


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