Sunday, February 01, 2015

Snow- Snow- Snow

Will it ever stop.   Poor Nicky is having a terrible time.  It is up to his belly and he cannot bring himself to go to the bathroom.  I cleared a bit of a spot for him and the guys came and shoveled the front of the garage and the walk.   He HAS to go before we go to bed.  I know he is good, but even he has his limits.

I went to mass this morning.  A pretty empty church.  Fr. Dan said that for the first time he is sure that St. Thomas's attendance outdid ours.  I found that the side streets were better plowed than the main ones and had to turn around on the big hill and go around.   But it was safe and I made it there and back without thinking that I had made a mistake.    I am thinking that perhaps we should cancel Bible Study however. I'll send out a feeler.

I will be able to see Mom however.   May have to go in later, but eventually the roads will be cleared and I can get there safely.

Got a rather busy week ahead.   Hope the weather cooperates.   Stenn and Bing were already cancelled on their flight for home today.   Will be anxious to know that they get home safely.   Had such a lovely visit with them.   They like my cookbook.   Makes me feel so good.

Dia Dhuit


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