Sunday, July 06, 2014

I finished Brittany

Finally.   I am at a point with the book that I just want to get it done and then start over with a grand rewrite.   I need to rewrite each chapter and edit and make sure that there is consistency in presentation.  I may be done by the end of July which was my first goal.   If I am not.   Who cares.

It was a quiet day.   I went for a walk this afternoon.   Kind of warm and muggy but it was cloudy.   I did not see the sun peek through even once.   There is apparently a chance of rain and thunder later tonight.   Won't bother me.

I swept out a quarter of the garage again.   I sweep in quarters you know.   When I am done this time, I want to wash off the salt that accumulated over the winter.   I cleaned off the shelf that is up high in there too.  Only have to go through the shelf unit near the ramp now.

I need to find a home for Dick's desk.   How bothersome. 

Ready for the week.

I am eager for activity.

Dia Dhuit


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