Saturday, June 28, 2014

A whole Day at Home

This has its good and its bads.   I Like the ability to not have to answer to anybody else and I miss not having to answer to anybody else.   Does that make any sense at all?

I slept until 8:AM and lo9lled in bed until 8:30AM.   Spent the morning on writing.  I am still trying to figure out a second poem to send to the Irish Fest Poetry Contests. Following lunch, I took a nap but it was way to hot to go the whole route that I usually take .   I may go out again tonight.  If I put it in writing I guess I have to.

Roxie and I sat on the deck for a while.  I read and she enjoyed the fresh air.   Now the trouble is going to be explaining to her when it is NOT nice to sit out there.  I am sure she thinks I control that too.

So, I kept myself amused.  

Tomorrow is the 50th Anniversary of my cousin, Mike Shea's ordination out at St. Michaels in Parnell.   So that will be a busy day.   I am looking forward to being with the Shea cousins and whoever else is there.

Dia dhuit


Michael Kelly " In a land where there are no musicians; in a land where there are no storytellers; teachers and poets; in a land where there are no men and women of vision and leadership; in a land where there are no legends, saints, and champions; in a land where there are no dreamers, the people will most certainly perish."

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