Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Busy Busy

Another busy day.   I had trouble getting up again.   I find that my best sleep time is in the morning but if I get up it is also my most productive time.   Hmmm  Sleep Hmmmm productive.   Both sound good to me.

I was up in time to get the trash out and then went to St. John's for the first discussion group on the book by Matthew Kelly called Rediscovering Catholicism.  It is a lively discussion as we are a mixed enough group some of whom wish we could go back to the 50s with the Latin Mass and what it held and some who think that we are just fine.    There are five more discussion groups set up - should be interesting as it all stems from the Evangelism movement that Fr. Dan is very in to.

Then I shopped and came home until 1:30 when I went to Aurora for therapy.   My therapist is Jaren who was Dick's therapist years ago.   He is going to try to give me exercises for home which I intend to follow religiously, (Mom is the perfect example.)   He is hoping that this will work so I don't have to come in so often which is expensive.   What a great guy.   He remembers Dick well.

I just about have my New York trip for May determined.   Tomorrow I will book, all things considered.   Main things.   Liberty Island and Ellis Island and Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedra.

Called Les and Bill tonight.  They are waiting for a big snow storm following and Ice storm.    Hopefully they will be able to huddle safe in their home warm against the storms.   We are all pretty blest.

Til tomorrow.  Everybody stay safe and warm.

Dia Dhuit


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