Sunday, January 12, 2014


Today was Sunday all day.   I went to Mass this morning. The School Kids planned and did all the readings and led the singing for the Mass.   It was very impressive.   It is Catholic School week so we were all invited to visit the school.    I had to get going though.    I took communion to my neighbors, Tom and Rita.    They had to take their grandson home so wanted to leave before noon.   Keep them in your prayers.   Rita looks pretty good but is obviously more frail.   I think she is at peace.
Rita gave me a Christmas gift.   I think she likes to thank me.   I feel that it is such a privilege to carry Jesus in my very own car to share in some one's very own house, that I don't need gifts.   But she is a giving soul and accepting is also a gift to the person who gives.  I hope that makes sense.  
I took the rest of the day rather easy.   I have everything Christmas downstairs now.  (I think).   Now I will be spending time in that back room each day stashing and sorting things. 

I called Jacquie today.   First I got Todd on her phone that kept breaking up.    But Todd called me back on his phone.   She sounds GREAT.   I am so relieved.   We want to keep praying, but we can throw thanks in along with the prayers for continued healing.   

Tomorrow I will have a usual Monday with Sheboygan Writers Club thrown in.   I will be picking Sy up again.  

I have made a vow to get back to my writing this week.    Not too big a goal.   I can start a bit each day.

Hope all is well with you.    We had temperatures hit 40 DEGREES today.  A heat wave.

Dia Dhuit


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