Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cold is still with us BUT it did get up to double digits by this afternoon.

This morning I left at about 9:30AM for my errands.   First I went to Fleet Farm.   I was out of all cooking nuts, raisins and dried cranberries.    I buy them there because they are very reasonable and nice and fresh.  From there I stopped at the post office to pick up the Condo mail.   Just the free paper again.   Next I drove around the corner to city hall and dripped off the first half of the RE taxes.

Last.   The Pig for what little groceries I needed and to by my lottery ticket.  Finally got home at 11:30AM.  I ate the last of a fajita dish that I had made for lunch yesterday.    This time I could add some salsa to it.

I called my sister, Nora, to wish her a Happy Birthday, then worked on the Michael chapter for a while.  I started the mending on Mom's Cathedral Window quilt.   I know she will probably want it back in April or May.   Seems like a lot of time, but if I don't start, it won't get done.

Richard and Brenda called this evening.   Always good to talk to them.   They are well and going for their Florida vacation in February.  I know the warmth will be welcome.   They enjoy Florida, one of their favorite vacation places.

So, I am ready to head to bed.   Nothing scheduled tomorrow so I will work on the book and on the prep for a talk that I am giving to the Shamrock Club in Milwaukee on February 6th on Brigit.   So close after her feast it is a good time to do this.   I can give them a piece of the Brat Bhride, the Brigit cloth along with the legend.

Until tomorrow then.

Dia Dhuit  I love you all


Thomas Paine said, "He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."

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