Friday, December 06, 2013

Fun time

It was a nice day.  The main home area  is pretty well decorated and cleaned up as Jody did her cleaning on top of all I have been doing.   The table looks cluttered because it is really the only place that I can stage and wrap the packages that I will be putting together and sending.

I made the fudge today and the buckeyes are scheduled for Sunday. 

I did go to lunch with my bank friends and had a nice hour with them.    I was hungry for beef.   All I have had since Thanksgiving is turkey or chicken.   So I ordered a mushroom burger and it was marvelous.

I just got home from the opening party for the members exhibition at the Plymouth Arts Center.  My Kevin of Glendolaugh is in the exhibit.  I am really quite pleased with it.    They always  have such pleasant music and the food was to die for.   I met so many friends so it was a totally enjoyable event.

Tomorrow is the CWI Celtic Tea at the Plymouth History Museum so it will be a busy day too.   The first thing I have to do is bake the brown bread.

Now it is time for this lady to head for bed.

Bless you all. 

Dia Dhuit


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