Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A very productive day.     I slept until almost 8AM.   Trash day.   So I hauled that out and then went to the post office and grocery shopping this morning.

By the time I got home it was time to fix lunch.   Then I spent the afternoon working on things that I need to do for the Condo meeting this Saturday, pinning the bindings on the placemats that I am making for the Plymouth Meals on Wheels for the Kettle Country Quilters and preparing a small pamphlet for the talk I am giving at IBAM next month.

Jeff and Kathy stopped by on their way home from Mom's with pears and cherry tomatoes.   Num Num.  I am going to try pear scones.   I think I'll put a lime frosting on them.   Let you know how they turn out.   

Last I drove to Grafton to meet with the Trailwinds tour people to plan the Scotland trip.     I have it enough now that I can send a tentative schedule out that will let people know what it will be.   It is still too early to be able to firm up prices, but I want interested people to let me know and we should have the prices by the first of the year so those who want to go can prepare and give a deposit.

Busy Busy.   Tomorrow is quieter.   I am home all day.  I am going to 52 Stafford at 7PM to listen to the music.   I probably will have some company but it doesn't really matter as I am comfortable there.

I wish you sun.

Dia Dhuit


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