Saturday, August 31, 2013

I am afraid that I am too tired to spend too much time writing this though I love you all very much.

I got home from the Highland Games after 7:30 and am very very tired.

Needless to say.  I had a great time.   My friend Felicia rode down with me and we managed to see some of everything but the Scottish Dancers which for some reason or other never meshed with our ramblings.    We just finished watching the sheep herding when this guy and gal came across the grass taking my picture.   It was Richard and Brenda.   They read about it on the blog and decided to come.   We watched the Knight to Remember show together, then went our own ways meeting up at different times throughout the afternoon.    The games are really something else,   they throw rocks, and tabors and knives and hatchets.  And there are bagpipe and drum marching band competitions.  I feel that I saw a lot of everything and learned a lot about them too.    I will put pictures and some more descriptions tomorrow.

Dia dhuit


Roxie is sure glad that I am home.

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