Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Another warm day, but we had quite a storm come through last night.   Thunder and lightening and rain pounding like a drum.    There was one clap of thunder that sounded like something was breaking right outside my window.   I like storms but not THAT loud.

I was able to be home all day long and just worked around here.    Jeff and Kathy brought me the most wonderful fresh corn, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, beans  and apples.    So I spent a good chunk of the day getting the things that would spoil cooked and preserved.    I am ready for a long winter already.

I made a crumb topped apple pie and applesauce out of the apples.    I like those and do not eat many fresh apples.   These mainly have spots or bruises on them but I have good stuff that I will eat.  The pie is SO good.  Thank you, Jeff and Kathy.

I finished the minutes for the Condo Board meeting and put together a couple of articles for the CWI Newsletter.  

Much closer to being caught up.    The trouble is that just when I get caught up, stuff starts catching up with me.

Go figure

Dia Dhuit


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