Monday, May 27, 2013

This day that was supposed to be very very quiet turned out to be very very busy.

For one thing it was cold and while I was gone for one of my busy things, it rained.   So I ahve my flag, which I put out yesterday, drying in the hall.  Don't worry, the flag is not touching the floor.   It is just drying.

I started out getting up with the cat at 6am because I got a call from my neighbors, the Bernaurs, Bailey Cat's humans, asking if I would like to go to mass at St. Fridolin's church out in Glenbulah for the Memorial Day Mass.   This is the only mass that I know that is regularly scheduled at this very quaint lovely little church.   So many small churches have been abandoned.   This one is at least being maintained.   So, I thought, why not.   They also had another neighbor, my friend, Rita who needs the prayers for ALS, with them so we in Tallgrass were well represented.   We also ran into my neighbor Jean, who gives me her papers.

After that, I did some computer work and got ready to go to Mother's by noon so I could lunch with George and Betsy and Mom..    That was such a joy.   I have not seen George and Betsy for quite a while and we always enjoy visiting.   They just came back from a special tour of Italy.   I may have to add Italy to my bucket list.  It sounded SO wonderful.    I would find out their tour company.

They brought a broasted chicken dinner with potatoes and salads and I brought the rhubarb pie that I baked yesterday.   Everything was SO good.  Especially the company.   George share pictures of their trip.  Then Randy and Donna came in.   So we got to visit a bit, but then we saw that Mother was getting so very tired, so we all made sure that everything was cleaned up and left her to rest.

I am actually glad that it is time to think about bed.    I finished several projects when I got home, had some leftover chicken and pie for supper and am ready to call it quits.   I tried to call a couple of people just to talk but nobody was home so I guess that is a sign that I need to be happy with just me.
 I may try someone else before I go to bed.

I just hung a map of Scotland on the wall.  I need one so that I can start picking out spots that we want to include in the Scotland tour next year or early 2015.

If you want to join us, let me know

Dia Dhuit


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