Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Today was not nearly as exciting as yesterday, but it did have its moments.

I am juggling several projects around the house these days, some creative and some just going through things and/or cleaning.    Today was trash day.   I got my trash and my neighbor Jean's out around 9AM.    Jean got good news from the doctor yesterday.    She no longer has to wear her boot around the house.    This is a bit step.   I teased her and said that it should probably be spring before she can leave it off outside.   Safety, you know.

This afternoon, I went to the Kettle Country Quilt club meeting for the first time in months.   I shared a picture of the wall hanging of Mother's crazy quilt squares with the group.    They liked it which made me feel good.    The club is working on a wall hanging for the new NICU at Memorial.   I was not able to participate in the sewing of the squares that make up the background.   Nest our applique experts will applique a mother holding her child onto the pallet.    It is going to be SO beautiful.  At least I got to help pin and tear the papers off of the paper pieced hearts.

Then I did the grocery shopping for the week.    I brought fruit which was on a good sale.   Pineapple,and strawberries and cantaloupe.    Num Num.

I also did a bit of research on what to do with the van.   It is rather silly for me to have a handicapped unit when someone might have use of it.     So I am exploring possiblities.    Nice not to have deadlines.

Dia Dhuit until tomorrow.


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