Sunday, December 09, 2012

Hello.    It has been quite a weekend.  

Yesterday started off OK.   Dick was weak and having trouble with his coughing, but had no fever so I decided to to to the Condo Association meeting and see what happened from there.   I stopped at home to pick up things for the Celtic Christmas Tea that afternoon.   

Dick was a bit unsettled but he and Heather, the caregiver, agreed that I should go as she is able to do the things that he needs and he was in very good hands.   Also, I had my phone and was 10 minutes away.

The Tea went very well.   Jeff Ward, from Racine, our music was just wonderful.   He is a super balladeer and sang two requests for me.  I got to visit with lots of wonderful people, eat super treats and drink tea to my heart's content.    A lovely gathering.   We had almost 60 people there.   A good showing.

Then Kate and I drove up the hill, followed by LuAnn to go to Mass.    Just before Mass started, my phone rang.  It was Mary from Embrace Care.    Dick was running a fever and slumped sideways in his wheelchair, he was unable to sit up straight without support.   I got home as soon as I could and it was apparant that he needed to get to the hospital so we called Plymouth Ambulance Service.   They are so good, and had him to the hospital in short order.

It has been determined that he has pneumonia and his UTI has returned.  Needless to say, he was admitted and is still there.    We had a wet snow falling all day, so I stayed home and just keep calling every so many hours as it seems foolish to take a chance on an accident in the slush.   I have been taking the time to rest and get myself back on path.    The past week has been hard.

I have cancelled all my plans for tomorrow so that we can concentrate on making sure that all is OK with Dick and that he is on the road to recovery and how long he should stay and so on.   Doctors will be more available then too.

I have done a lot of resting today and made sure that everyone is up to date on all that is happening.   Another good night's sleep and I will be ready to tackle anything again.

Pray for us please.

Dia Dhuit


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