Monday, December 10, 2012

I spent most of the day with Dick at Sheboygan Memorial.   I left the house at about 7:30AM.  Stopped to drop some things off at Mom's and payed her bills for her.

Then I went directly to the hospital.   He is doing much better today.   They have determined for sure that he has an aspiration pneumonia and a UTI again.  He is a sick guy.    We will decide day to day how he is doing.     We have found out that he will be on a special "diet" of thick water and food that is kind of ground up or easily swallowed.  That diet is called and EZ swallow diet.

I am very tired. I am just going to go to bed VERY early.  So I will be ready for tomorrow which will come soon enough.

Bless you all and keep praying for Dick.    Each day should be an improvement.

Dia Dhuit


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