Sunday, October 07, 2012

This has been an unusual and mostly superfabulous weekend.

Yesterday was the CAIM concert at the Plymouth Arts Center.    Heather and Jacynth arrived at the condo at about 10:30AM.  This was good.   They were able to get settled downstairs and ready and I prepared grilled cheese sandwiches with a fruit salad for our lunch.    Dick was pleased to meet them as I knew he would be.   

As soon as Heather from Embrace arrived, we zipped on to the Arts Center so that they could get set up and do their sound checks and all, and we Celtic Women could set up the tea table and heat the water for the tea.

There were about 30 people there to enjoy CAIM.   The performance was just super.   One wonders how two voices can produce the wonderful sounds that these two do.   There music runs from whimsical, to Celtic folk to religious and the Sound,  ah the sound.

And also  AH the tea breads and cookies that our Celtic Sisters provided for the guests.  I would say it was a successful event.

We got home at about 5PM.    I had a mushroom pie ready to put into the oven and a pasty for Dick who doesn't like mushrooms that much.    With a green salad and a piece of the pumpkin cake that I the four of us were quite happy.

Heather and Jacynth sang several songs just for Dick.   They also sang our grace before the dinner.  Dick loved it and told them that it was like they brought a piece of the world in to him.    They are SO nice and I was glad to be able to put this together and to have them as guests for the night.  

It was an at home day.    We had a late breakfast with the ladies around 9:30 and they left for De Pere at about 11:30AM.    Then Dick needed a nap.    I rested for a while too but Dick kept waking up and needing things so I am hoping for a quiet night tonight.

When Heather, from Embrace, got here at 6:30PM, I drove to Meadow View in Sheboygan to visit Mother.    She looks great but admits she is very weak.    She would rather be home but is accepting of the fact that she has to listen to the doctor and see what the therapists have to say about her strength.   As she and I agreed, she has to be safe.

So that is a summary of the past two days.    Hope you are all well.   I will be spending the week getting ready for IBAM next weekend.   I can hardly wait.

Dia Dhuit


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