Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It was a very very FALL day today.  Nice and crisp after a light rain overnight.

I left shortly after Heather got here this morning to spend some time with Mother.   She looks wonderful and has started her therapy.   She is still weak and disgusted by all the pills, (I think a lot of them that she is disgusted with are the same vitamins she has been taking all along.)  I sat with her through breakfast and a bit longer.   She knows that she wants an OK from the doctor and the therapists before she goes home.  

Home again, Dick was all ready for the day but so tired that he begged me to put him to bed at 10:30AM.  He slept until 1:30PM or so.  So I spent the day getting ready for IBAM.   I will be leaving between 1 and 2PM on Friday.  We will return shortly before 9PM on Sunday.   I am so looking forward to those two and a half days of not having to take care of anybody.   I know that I will come back much refreshed and ready to dive in again.

I have a bunch of green tomatoes so looked on the net for some recipes and found a recipe for Green tomato bread.    I made it tonight and BOY is it good.   Still have several green tomatoes though so I will have to research some more.

Well, It is about time to head for bed.   Tomorrow will be a busier day than today and I need to be rested.

Dia Dhuit

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